Friday, September 18, 2009

A Special Stream

I usually don't go with The Trout on his fishing days. I learned long ago that this is something he likes to do by himself. He loves the solitude, the beautiful environs where trout live, and likes to think of nothing else but the moment.

I have no problem with that. I do things where I need alone time also. But, sometimes his favorite fishing streams are quite a distance away, so the Bichon and I go along. We sit and knit or read by the car while he fishes for several hours.

These pictures are of one of his favorite streams. Part of the stream is public and the other part is private, by invitation. He has a friendship with the caretakers of the property and always calls before he wants to fish.
Rarely does he get his picture taken while fishing, but this day was perfect and I wanted to catch him in action.
He is happy. He threw the line and immediately a fish grabbed it.
A beautiful rainbow trout! He holds it long enough for a picture and then this beautiful fish is released back into the cold stream to swim some more.


  1. It Looks so peaceful there...And the water is SO CLEAR...:-)


  2. Susan--Thanks for stopping by. This place is perfection. Wish we could call it home. ..Susan

  3. Dave K.8:27 AM

    Susan, how beautiful!! Tell Dale to smile the next time! LOL!!

  4. Dave--I know. This fishing is VERY serious business. LOL

  5. What a great day, a great moment, and two great people!!!

    See you soon!

  6. It is a beautiful stream. You truly are in God's country.

  7. Very nice pictures. They would look great in black and white and framed:)

  8. wow, beautiful! the water is so clear n still. my girl would love montana. she froze herself fishing in whistler, canada, n didn't even get a bite.
